Yard Sale Rescue

This vintage stained glass lampshade was missing a pane and I picked it up for only $5 at a yard sale.  I've never cut glass before but watched my dad many times.  So I bought a piece of stained glass at Hobby Lobby for $7 and a cutter for $5 and got to it.  A YouTube video helped me learn how to score and break it apart.  (I love YouTube How-To videos.)  The important thing is to make only one pass with the cutter.  Also, cut the glass in one direction to make one piece and then make smaller cuts afterwards.  You can't make one angled cut and expect it to behave.  The existing pieces are textured on the outside and the new piece I bought is not.  I could flip the other pieces but, right now, I'm not pushing my luck.  I'm pretty happy with it considering similar shades are going for $150 and up online.  Can you guess which piece of glass is the replacement?  

Now I just need to decide what to do with it.  I'm thinking chandelier, maybe with some crystals once it is decided where it will live.  Would you like it to live in your home?  Let me know and I'll build your room decor around it!  

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